Jeff Koch is all smiles with his red snapper caught while deep sea fishing in Destin, Florida! |
The Kochs and their fish family!
BNKJ CPA Angie Koch and her family caught some beautiful red snappers on vacation last week in Destin, Florida.
Red Snapper season had just opened on June 1, so Angie and family chartered their boat, Sea Winder, a day later and took their three children (ages 13, 12 & 9) on their first deep sea fishing trip.
Seas were rough-- about 3-4 foot swells-- but the children (and adults) handled things well and they caught a lot of baitfish to kick-off their fishing frenzy!.
Captain Stan headed out West and after a 30 minute trip their Red Snapper adventure began. The first fish was about a 10-12 pound Gag Grouper, but since that season closed, they had to unfortunately release it. Fishing got better for the Koch family after that, and at the end of 45 minutes of fishing the family had caught 10 Red Snappers! The biggest one was estimated at 18-20 pounds.
Fun vacation-- thank you for sharing!